30 April 2008

No time to blog

Haven't had time to blog lately. Makes me wonder why I still have this open. Been really busy, so can't wait for my vacation to start. Two more weeks and I'll be in Boston. Hopefully its not raining so I can walk around during my down time at the conference. I'm flying straight from Boston to NY. I feel like such a traveler. I have a list of places that I want to visit...hmmm...where did I put that list. Crossing my fingers that we can find some Wicked tickets from TKTS. There really isn't anything I want to watch. Since TKTS doesn't list what shows they have available til just right before they start I'm putting all my eggs in that basket.

Been craving to do a craft project. Eventhough I'm designing everyday at work, there are so many rules to try to keep things in brand. I needed to create something out of the box. Made these save that dates for a friend. She didn't really ask me to make them so really these are just for fun. Unless she likes one of them. I didn't post the ones with their pictures for obvious reasons and the info is FPO.

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